perjantai 15. marraskuuta 2013

Tapainlinnan yhtenäisessä peruskoulussa opiskellaan kotitaloutta kahdessa erillisessä kotitalousluokassa. Tapainlinnan koulussa työskentelee kaksi kotitalousopettajaa kumpikin omassa luokkahuoneessaan.

Tapainlinna school is both an elementary school and a school for teenagers who are from 12 to 16 years old. We have the whole Finnish "ground school" inside of our walls. There are over 600 students here, and more than 50 teacher in our beautiful building. There are two home Econimics Teachers in our school. 

I myself teach a subject called Home Economics. In my classes we prepare meals, bake, make laundry, do cleaning, talk about consuming and many other things. As the icing on the cake we enjoy meals sitting all together around two big tables. There are around 16 students in each of those groups I teach.

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